Sarah Scotford

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Are LED Face Masks Worth The Hype?

First of all what is LED.. 

LED means Light-Emitting Diode. It works by emitting infrared lights (causing heat) in different wavelengths/ spectrums, which have different effects on the cells. 

These devices send light waves deep into the skin to trigger natural intracellular reactions. Depending on the light, your skin is going to respond differently. In simple terms, it puts the “energy” back into your cells to kick-start the rejuvenation process (which slows down considerably as we age). 

If the light is red, your skin responds by building, strengthening, and maximizing cellular structure a.k.a Collagen. Red light is also believed to target oil glands to reduce cytokines, which cause inflammation and play a role in chronic acne. 

In the case of blue light, specific wavelengths stimulate production of oxygen radicals that kill acnes bacteria, all without damaging skin.

If you get this done at a spa or dermatologists office, it generally cost from $150 to $300 but are mostly add-ons to other treatments so the price could be even higher. 

I’ve had an LED Face Mask for over 10 years now. I can personally say these masks work! They’re definitely worth the purchase and now they come completely cordless so you’re free to roam around and multitask.
The latest one from SkinGear has 7 different light colours! Check them out on Instagram for updates on when it will be launched.
If you can’t wait for the latest 7 light LED Mask, then check out their 3 light Face Mask. It’s also on sale! Click HERE to check it out.

Hope you like it as much as I do!

x Sarah